CCASA Your World

When Travis and I got involved with building and creating content for CCASA Your World, we had no idea how prevalent sexual abuse misinformation was in our very own city. For example, did you know that 82% of sexual assaults that happen are committed by someone you know? The stranger in the dark alley situation is extremely rare.

This is an education focused project: a way to reach out to a young adult audience and crack the myths surrounding sexual abuse in our social circles. I crafted some hard-hitting headers and straplines and rewrote the core copy to make it resonate with teens and adults who were sick of stiff, impersonal warnings to watch their drinks. Sad to say that victim-blaming is still a very real issue in our world. Travis and I hand-selected matching images and created clear illustrations to break down the data and when the site launched, we were invited to the local launch party with media outlets and the Calgary Police Service witnessing the unveiling. It was a proud moment for us, and everywhere I go, I still shout the message: Sexual violence does not belong in our world.

  • Content strategy
  • Voice and tone guide
  • Site content
  • Form content
  • Press release
  • Ad content
Louder Than Ten
Visit project.

Explaining the magic

How do you make a tough conversation meaningful? Speak from the heart.


Sexual violence is about power & control

  • Offenders make a choice to hurt others because of their beliefs of entitlement
  • This belief of entitlement stems from sexism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia etc.
  • Sex is used as a weapon to gain power & control over others

Nobody asks to be sexually assaulted

  • Offenders are 100% responsible for acts of sexual violence
  • No actions or behaviours of the survivor/victim ever justify sexual violence
  • Everyone has the right to feel safe & trust people
  • Offenders deny survivors’ rights to freedom & safety

It’s very important to be able to recognize consent

  • Consent is obvious
  • Consent is not a guessing game. If you don’t know, just ask!

There are different ways to say no

  • It’s as simple as respecting & communicating with your partner
  • If you’re incapacitated (think: drugs or alcohol) you CANNOT physically give your consent. It’s illegal, not to mention the fact that you’re unable to voice your consent if you’re inebriated
  • Consent doesn’t count (and is illegal) if you’ve been forced to give in through coercion including threats, bribes, blackmail, etc.